Giovanni di Francia - La Chiesa e località di San Giorgio in San Polo di Piave

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Giovanni di Francia


GIOVANNI DI FRANCIA - San Giorgio's painter

Giovanni di Francia was the son of Desiderio from Metz (Lorraine province of France), where he was born in unprecisely date.
He should not be confused with another Giovanni di Francia painter, son of Simon barber, operating in Friuli, known as Francione .
In the early fifties of the fifteenth century, Giovanni appears to reside with the family in Feltre , where the sons come to light Giovanni Nicolò, probably the eldest, and soon Desiderio that continued father's activity.
The commitments undertaken in the field of Feltre by Giovanni di Francia are documented with sufficient continuity from 1451 to 1457 .
1462 is the supplication of "Johannis pictoris de Frantia" presented to the "Magnifico Consiglio di Conegliano", in which he declares that he had just moved to town with his family, thanks to the invitation of some citizens and the support lent to him. The painter chose, therefore, a new residence, perhaps to difficult market conditions in Feltre and having found at the Conegliano real interest in his work.
We have no acts of him subsequent to 1467, when his two sons, Giovanni Nicolò e Desiderio, receiving the first tonsure from the Bishop of Ceneda, Pietro Leoni. Maybe he is identified with the painter Giovanni that in 1475 is to be part of the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception of Conegliano. In a document that relates to the child Desiderio of 1486 is said that Giovanni di Francia was deceased.
(Traduction from G.Fossaluzza, La Chiesa di San Giorgio in San Polo di Piave e gli affreschi di Giovanni di Francia, 2010)


1451 - Porcen del Grappa - Sant'Antonio abate
- San Giovanni Battista e San Vittore

1422 - Col San Martino - San Giacomo Maggiore e San Bernardino da Siena
- Madonna con il Bambino in trono e San Nicola da Bari

1455 - Rasai - Affreschi perduti -

1457 - Santa Giustina di Pedesalto - Cristo in mandorla tra i simboli degli evangelisti Marco e
- Teoria degli apostoli

1458 - Servo di Sovramonte - Ultima cena
- Crocifissione

1458 - Col San Martino - San Giorgio che lotta con il drago
- San Rocco

1466 - San Giorgio di San Polo di P. - Vari dipinti (vedi pagina "Affreschi" in Immagini)

1489 - Col San Martino - San Bovo (opera del figlio o di un seguace)

14xx - San Gottardo di Fol di Mel - La teoria degli otto Santi

14xx - Tiago di Mel - Ultima cena

14xx - San Pietro in Vincoli di Zoppè di San Vendemmiano (ora un affresco della serie è visibile al
museo civico di Conegliano, mentre gli altri sono andati perduti)
- Cristo benedicente in mandorla tra la Vergine e San
Giovanni Battista

14xx - Mareno di Piave - Scene della Passione di Cristo
- Cattura di Cristo
- Flagellazione
- Cristo crocifisso
- Buon ladrone

with Maria Sole Crespi and Elena Leonardi
May 1st 2011

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